I just read your first post.
Are you serious? You did everything except give us your real name!
Your poor "strategery" is the reason you were found out. Take personal responsibility for your misteaks.
(Yes, that was intentional. DUH.)
well, thats it folks.. my identity on here has been rumbled and reported to the elders.
someone, somehow, has figured out that im a member of this site and - rather than speak to me - has promptly reported me to the elders.
i just feel sad for my daughter.
I just read your first post.
Are you serious? You did everything except give us your real name!
Your poor "strategery" is the reason you were found out. Take personal responsibility for your misteaks.
(Yes, that was intentional. DUH.)
it was a shock despite us being divorced for over 40 years.
my son from that marriage phoned me with the news of sandra's death a couple of days ago, followed by my daughter.. sandra was one of 5 siblings.
the other 4 are still jw's.
I offer my condolences.
just thought this might be of passing interest to a few members.
we were unpacking some estate items from a 1930s bethelite and were confounded by his vertical phonograph.
lots of old rutherford books, and some trashed rutherford records, but the phonograph was something to behold.
Some recordings are archived here: http://www.freeminds.org/wav/wav.htm
i'm wondering why believers remain members of this forum which is clearly hostile to believers.
as one member said, nonbelievers pounce on any semblance of belief like piranhas on prey.
as former jws we should have had our fill of judgmental know-it-alls, but here we are.
I am here to serve you.
Would you like some atheism with that?
"When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning? - THE WATCHTOWER January 15,1974"
i think people need religion because of fear.
fear of death and what will happen at death if they have been good or bad.
people say it gives them hope but is this not born too out of fear of not seeing dead loved ones again, or having a better life in the afterlife?
Religion has been described as "the opium of the masses." What does that mean?
Life is filled with pain; physical pain, emotional pain, and "phantom" pain caused by defects in our nervous system.
Opium is a pain killer.
"Metaphysical opium" (religion) soothes the existential ache and help us sleep at night without worrying about all the threats challenging us.
It is difficult and unrewarding to face the reality of existence. "Happily ever after" does not last. Everything ends eventually. We are star-stuff, contemplating the irony of our being.
why in this 21st century are we still cow towing to religions that are based in the distant past, of thousands of years ago , whether it be christian islam or whatever.?
and not to restrict it to just those two , but all ancient religions.. all of them are hypocritical , on the one hand rejecting modern day society and it`s technology and on the other hand embracing it for their own advantage .. when is the human race ever going to rid itself of pie in the sky beliefs.?.
Your question might be alternatively phrased as, "We live in the 21st century; why do we still have six-year-olds?"
We are not all the same age, chronologically or experientially. It is not reasonable to expect OTHER PEOPLE to respond to things the same way YOU do.
Imagine that there is someone else - Carl Sagan, for example - who came to the same conclusion you did, but arrived there 20 years ahead of you. Are you willing to hoist yourself up for mockery because you failed to keep up with Carl Sagan? Of course not. So why should anyone else be hoisted because they failed to arrive at this destination at the same time you did?
Let the six-year-olds have their Santa Claus, their Easter Bunny, their risen Christ, their Buddha, their Shiva, Kali and Vishnu, even their Allah, as long as they're not killing all the other kids in the sandbox in his name.
"Allah-hu FUBAR!"
So, to answer your question, "When is the human race ever going to rid itself of pie in the sky beliefs?"
Not for a very long time, possibly never. Our Monkey brains came from the "half-price" counter at Radio Shack; there is only so much we can ask of them.
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
KateWild said, "My point about the amoeba is that it's in cofty's thread which I don't understand which is not high school biology."
You're right Kate, that is not High School Biology - it is JUNIOR High School (now called "Middle School" in the USA) Biology - or it was when I went to Junior High School in 1964. By the way, Gene Simmons of KISS attended the same school!
Where is this backwards High School you complain about? I strongly suspect that it is either not within the borders of the USA or it is an American school that has been lobotomized by political correctness and new-age junk science.
i ran across this cool video.
i think it's a parody on some recent jw video series or something.
i'm not up to date on jw news and such.
I'm going to post a link to one of my favorites...
hey simon, .
the recent closure of jwr made me realize that this site may not be eternal as well.
a great deal of people attach a lot of importance to xjw communities and yours is the best.
Richard had a library that possibly was only exceeded by the Watchtower archives in Brooklyn. There are a handful of Watchtower archivists across the country, and Richard was well-known and respected by them. Fortunately Richard's library was passed to a person very well known for their own extensive research. I'll let them comment if they wish to identify themselves.
I would like to add a comment. Simon said, "In case anyone is worried, I'm feeling OK."
And may you continue to do so, Sir. But as you probably know, Richard suffered a series of strokes during his adult life as a result of being hit by a truck while crossing the street one day. The strokes gave him his trademarked gravelly voice. Prior to that he had a wonderful public speaking voice, I've been told. Maybe we'll get to hear a recording of him someday... (a few do exist).
Undoubtedly Richard was glad to have survived the initial accident, and his feeling of invulnerability might have been enhanced as he survived a number of additional strokes over time. But he went to sleep one night feeling fine and didn't wake up the next morning.
It is GREAT that you feel well now Simon; it's a perfect time to prepare a will.
once again the society is on a push to scare witnesses away from doing any research, or "stumbling" upon any "apostate" material (from workmates, neighbors, or online).
however, the most enlightening, mind blowing and eye opening things are found simple by reading the early publications themselves!.
read how ct russel, (the supposed channel god was using) had the most far fetched and laughable ideas, such as obtaining pivotal dates by measuring the pyramids of egypt!...
BluesBrother said, in part, "My family of "old-school " Witnesses just love the old CTR & Rutherford books. They read them and say ..."Of course the thinking has changed since then and some of it is way off beam , but they really had spirituality "
I understand what they mean, I think, and to a degree I agree with them. One of the things Russell stressed was "putting on the personality of Christ" and I believe that most Bible Students of that time - and many Bible Students of today sincerely pursue that goal.
But there are two problems with that, in my opinion. First is that the Christ they emulate is the imaginary weakling so often illustrated. If Jesus did exist, he could not have been such a limp-wristed pansy. I think he would have been more like Clark Kent/Kal-El. Because Russellites were such pathetic weaklings, they allowed Judge Rutherford to have his way with them.
The second thing is that Judge Rutherford, being a sociopath and bully, had no use for the "personality of Christ" game, and so he threw it away, stressing instead what might be "the personality of Don Draper (US TV show "Mad Men")"